Sunday, 27 February 2011


Regular Verbs
English regular verbs change their form very little (unlike irregular verbs). The past tense and past participle of regular verbs end in -ed, for example:
                     work, worked, worked

But you should note the following points:
1. Some verbs can be both regular and irregular, for example:
            learn, learned, learned

            learn, learnt, learnt

2. Some verbs change their meaning depending on whether they are regular or irregular, for example "to hang":
          regular hang, hanged, hanged to kill or die, by dropping with a rope around the neck

          irregular hang, hung, hung to fix something (for example, a picture) at the top so that the lower      part  is  free

3. The present tense of some regular verbs is the same as the past tense of some irregular verbs:
         regular found, founded, founded

         irregular find, found, found

Irregular verbs Crossword