Friday, 20 November 2009


As you know, next week we will celebrate San Jose de Calasanz festivity. San José de Calasanz is at the same time the patron saint of all schoolteachers and the Founder of the Pías School Order, San José de Calasanz . We invite you to find out about his life and work.

Monday, 16 November 2009

Gorozika: an unforgettable and rewarding experience.

Nobody will forget the days we spent in Gorozika. In short, we will publish some opinions from the students who were there and let you know about their feelings and wonderful moments.
Press at these words: Gorozika 1, Gorozika 2 and Gorozika 3

Sunday, 8 November 2009

How old are you?

How old are ...?
Sirve para expresa la edad, en cuyo caso se traduce por "tener":

"Mary is 21 years old": María tiene 20 años.

"I´m 21.": Yo tengo 21 años.

"They are 55": Ellos tienen 55.

How old are you?: ¿Y tú, cuántos tienes?

There is - There are

We use there is /there are to say that something exists (or does not exist). The real subject usually comes after There is /There are.